SLP Skills Saturday #1

I’ve decided to add another themed day to go along with my “What’s Up Wednesdays”. The new themed day, “SLP Skills Saturday” will be a bi-weekly feature that will highlight a different personality trait or characteristic that I think SLPs need. Hope you enjoy, and don’t forget to follow me or like/comment/share my posts! IContinueContinue reading “SLP Skills Saturday #1”

What’s Up Wednesdays: Music and Speech Therapy

I recently came across the article “Musical Strategies” that was archived from the magazine Advance. It was published in November 2012 and written by Louise Patrick, PhD , detailing the incorporation of music into children’s speech therapy programs.  Despite the ever-growing reductions in education funding taking out extra programs like music and art, there is aContinueContinue reading “What’s Up Wednesdays: Music and Speech Therapy”

Unique SLP Opportunities

Now, you probably have heard of the typical settings in which Speech-Language Pathologists work through your research of the profession. Time and time again you’ve become aware that most SLP graduate students often face the ultimatums of either Medical vs School and Adult vs Child speech therapy. After all, there’s countless blogs written by and forContinueContinue reading “Unique SLP Opportunities”

Neuroanatomy: Scary, Yet Intruiging

As per the ASHA requirements, and many American graduate program pre-requisites, those wanting to become a certified SLP must take classes in the biological sciences. They must pertain to human or animal biology as well. It makes sense, after all, how do you expect to understanding speech and hearing mechanisms without understanding the underlying mechanismsContinueContinue reading “Neuroanatomy: Scary, Yet Intruiging”

Supplements (aka Gaining Experience… aka Getting Those 25 Hours)

As per the CSD program at my school, we are required to have 25 hours of observation of SLPs/Audiologists in order to graduate with a BS in CSD. Now, I don’t know much about other university’s programs, but I think all future SLPs and Audiologists in training need these as well. Luckily most students aroundContinueContinue reading “Supplements (aka Gaining Experience… aka Getting Those 25 Hours)”

Schwa Has One Good Life…

Here’s a quick little linguistic joke since the weekend is just about there! Time for some (minor) relaxation! I just love these “Linguist Llama” memes… some are quite funny.:) On a side note: I’ve finally got some responses back on possible SLP shadow opportunities! Now I just need to get some more responses, as wellContinueContinue reading “Schwa Has One Good Life…”

What’s Up Wednesdays: Temple Grandin

Hello all! Well here we are at my first edition of “What’s Up Wednesdays”. Basically, I am hoping to enlighten everyone each week with something new and interesting that I find. These will typically have some relation to Speech-Language Pathology or Linguistics and related subjects, such as: Genetics, Audiology, Disorders/Diseases, Technology, etc. I’ll provide writtenContinueContinue reading “What’s Up Wednesdays: Temple Grandin”

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Google Suite Files, Tools, and Tips for Educators

Ozark Speech Pathologist

A Therapy Blog for Adult Medical Speech-Language Pathology

Dr. Bronwyn Hemsley

Discovery Early Career Researcher and Senior Lecturer Speech Pathology The University of Newcastle NSW Australia

The Scholarly Kitchen

What’s Hot and Cooking In Scholarly Publishing


This blog is for documenting my journey through the Disney College Program

Home Sweet Blog

Mommy, Wife, and Student in the Midwest

Thinking of a better blog name

Some thoughts on Speech and Language Therapy/Pathology and PhDs

Speak Easy.

another aspiring speech-language pathologist.

Medical Speech Pathology

Curiosity, Dialogue, and Knowledge

k-bee, SLP (grad student)

"She is clothed in strength & dignity, and laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25

A Fish Called Ghoti

Musings of a Sometimes Speechie / Full-time PhD student / Eternally Type A Little Miss.

Creating PatientBase

Follow the startup of a health information technology company

Hanna B. SLP

Musings from the world of self-regulation and social communication

Chapel Hill Snippets

Providing Speech And Swallowing Therapy In Home And Online

38 Things...

Providing Speech And Swallowing Therapy In Home And Online

The Ultimate Palindrome

Just Another Day in the Life of an Average High Schooler